
Simple Discord bot with Discord.js

bot gif

Since I got more familiar with asynchronous JavaScript, I tried making discord bot again with Discord.js I used git to maintain this project, TypeScript and Bun as main language/runtime, which all I learned from Open Source SW, Web Programming course, 2023 2nd semester.

  • Actually I used node.js in Web Programming course. It was pretty easy to move to Bun runtime since it is almost compatible with node.js.
  • The bot is hosted on Google Cloud Compute Engine’s free tier VM.
    • Bot process is running with PM2.

It was quite challenging experience since the official Discord.js guide only covers basics. I had to go through all over the various API documentations.

Initially I started this project with JavaScript, however I did not like loosely typed JavaScript. That is why this project is based on TypesSript.

⭐️ Features

  • Sends back enlarged emoji as embedded image when user sends an emoji to the chat.
    • Saves enlarged emoji image as cache(File IO), this saves image conversion time when the user sends the same emoji later again.
  • Check ping in miliseconds.
  • Change bot’s user status with command.
  • Check server/user info with command.
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