


Spring ~ Summer semester 📚

Introduction to Web ProgrammingHTML, JS, CSS
A wise daily life of Python with RPAPython
Introduction to coding got problem solvingPython Basics

It was my first time making something out of programming languages I learned. The project was final project of RPA(Robotic process automation) Python course. It was pretty fun to utilize knowledges I learned from various courses.

Summer Break 🍹

  • none

Fall ~ Winter semester 📚

Computer ProgrammingC
Programming LabC

This was final project of Programming Lab course. It was first time making a game program. I leared some of basics of game programming concepts such as delta time, frame buffering.

Winter Break ⛄

  • Tried making simple bot for Discord using discord.js.
    • It was pretty challenging to make something with what I am not familiar with.
  • Hansung University Winter Coding Camp: Notes uploaded to GitHub
    • It was a great time to study LeetCode types of coding problems. Studied about dynamic programming, quite brain bugging but it is such a fascinating way to analyze problems.


Spring ~ Summer semester 📚

Computer Architecture-
Data structureC
Understanding of Programming Languages-
Object Oriented Language 1C++
Linear AlgebraPython
Calculus 1-

Summmer Break 🍹

  • Personal blog with GitHub Pages & Jekyll & Chirpy theme. This blog you’re watching! 👀
  • Studied basics of game programming using C++ and SDL2 (Book by Sanjay Madhav)
  • Personalized .dotfiles of git, neovim, vim, etc with stow for Linux/Unix systems : GitHub
    • The more I got familiar with git, vim, linux commands, I felt the need for having my own dotfile(configuration files) repository.
  • Pathfinding algorithm visualization with HTML & Typescript & CSS (GitHub)
    • Pathfinding algorithm in the game programming book was very fascinating. I tried to visualize them with simple TypeScript project.

Fall ~ Winter semester 📚

Object Oriented Language 2Java
Data Communications-
Web ProgrammingNode.js, basic SQL
Game Graphics and Animation3ds Max
Open Source SWLinux terminal and Git


Winter Break ⛄